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Holiday Hunter Pace at Brooke Grove Farm
December 21, 2024!​​
All proceeds go towards the care of our hounds.​
High Fast:
1st: *No Team Name* (Manuel A, Pauly A, & Sofia V)
High Optimum:
1st: IBHPC
2nd: Triple Threat
Low Optimum:
1st: It's Too Cold
2nd: LP Equestrian
3rd: Elves
4th: Santa's Little Chestnuts
5th: *No Team Name* (Gabrielle B & Alissa G)
6th: Ho Ho's, Away We Go
Flat Optimum:
1st: Oldies but Goodies
2nd: Santa's Little Chestnuts
3rd: *No Team Name* (Megan W & Corrinne P)
4th: Quarter Horse Queens
5th: The Elder IBHPC Mom's
6th: Ellis Ditched Us!
Pre-Payment Option Below:
*Includes Paypal Fees*
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